Student Internships

If you enjoy working
with young children, consider
earning academic credit
in our preschool program!
The Renaissance School welcomes student interns every fall and spring semester!
The preschool is open Monday – Thursday mornings and the children are present from 9:00 to 12:00 each day. Student interns typically work two mornings a week, from 8:30 to 1:00.
Student interns earn practicum or independent study credits as they assist classroom teachers, learn about young children and their families, and discover an innovative approach to early education inspired by the educators of Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Possible classroom activities include... planning creative, developmentally appropriate activities, facilitating small group activities including cooking and art projects, photographing children to help document their learning. Supporting bilingual children as they interact and learn with others.
Eligibility Requirements...
To earn academic credit for student teaching with us, prospective interns need (1.) two full mornings (8:30-1:00) open in their schedule, (2.) some previous experience working with children, and (3.) a UMass faculty sponsor. Faculty sponsors and student interns come from a variety of university departments including Education, Communication Disorders, Psychology, and Sociology.
Faculty sponsors help interns register and earn credits for this experience. Interns can take the class as a pre-practicum, practicum, internship, or independent study. Interns earn 3 credits for working in our preschool, M/W or T/Th 8:30-1:00, each semester
Applications should be received in the Renaissance School office
by May 1st to student teach with us in the Fall semester. Applications should be received by December 1st to student teach in the Spring semester.
The preschool is located in the lower level of the Immanuel Lutheran Church, on the northern edge of the UMass campus.
Immanuel Church is next to Furcolo Hall (College of Education), and is on the PVTA bus line.
If you meet the eligibility requirements, please download the application below and submit it to the director via email dottymeyer@gmail.com Applicants may be asked to come for an interview. Others are invited to reapply - we look for interns every semester!