About Us

"Nurturing Hearts & Minds" Video

The Renaissance Preschool is the perfect place to begin your child's first school experience! It's a warm and caring place that welcomes families, and provides just the right amount of structure to help children develop a sense of wonder and a love of learning.
We're located on the northern edge of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst campus, in the lower level of Immanuel Lutheran Church. Our preschool is on the PVTA bus line and is within walking distance of the UMASS campus. This convenient location enables the staff to take advantage of all the University and surrounding Amherst community have to offer.
Whether it's taking a field trip to a campus science lab or inviting a special guest to visit our classroom, the University provides numerous opportunities and resources to enrich our curriculum. Our preschool has attended children's performances at the Fine Arts Center, visited the Du Bois Library, the campus Recycling Facility, Entomology Lab, and Durfee Conservatory. We have also enjoyed field trips to the Amherst Fire Department and Amherst Veterinary Clinic, and have visited the Planetarium and Museum of Natural History on the campus of Amherst College.
Our preschool is licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care.
Preschool Hours of Operation:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 am - 12:00 noon
September - May
Children attend preschool three or four mornings a week, and may begin as soon as they become 2.9 years old, anytime throughout the academic year.
Please click on the video above to learn more About Us!